Welcome To Your Gweeble Garden!

Raise your Gweebles, and connect them together to keep them happy.

Each Gweeble has a word, so chain them together to form sentences. Tell a story, write a poem, get Gweegy with it. 🥺


Spam click Gweeble piles to harvest more Gweebles.


Connect Gweebles to form sentences.

Connected Gweebles are happy and will produce Gwee-Gwees.


Double-click Gweebles to plant as a Gweeble pile.

Feed Gweeble piles with Gwee-Gwees to increase their Gweeble output.

Right click and drag to move the camera.

Scroll to zoom in and out.


atumemot - programmer, artist

mojius - music, sound, UI

Josep Valls - programmer, gweeble animation

Made with Godot 4, Krita

Label resizing script from eclextic


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The visuals and sounds are such a vibe, I love it. Also insane that you implemented online player visiting... great work

There were some errors and it was a bit hard to get started but when I started I could not stop. I can't put my poem up cause its a bit... yeah. Lots of fun!